Friday, September 17, 2010

The Finishing Fairy

Is there a Finishing Fairy that works for other people that I don't know about?? If so, I need his or her number.

You know, someone who will FINISH the dishes and not leave one coffee cup and a fork in the sink after loading "all" the dishes after dinner;

Someone who will FINISH making the bed by actually putting the pillows back on the bed after neatly smoothing out the sheets & comforter;

Someone who will FINISH taking the trash cans all the way back behind the gate after the trash men come as opposed to leaving them about 4 feet from that dreaded gate latch;

Someone who will FINISH hanging their towel back on the towel bar after their shower as opposed to leaving it on the sink which just happens to be a whopping 2 feet from said towel bar;

Someone who will FINISH that terrible chore of rinsing their toothpaste spit out of the sink before they walk away;

Someone who, after eating a bag of pretzels (or equally crumbly item) in the living room will FINISH cleaning up the huge mess of crumbs left all over the coffee table and floor;

Someone who before tossing their socks and undies in the dirty clothes will FINISH unballing them from that neat little pingpong sized ball they end up in while taking them off their body...anybody???

Anybody there to FINISH up ANY of that stuff?

Have I become the Finishing Fairy? Clearly we all know the answer to that. So, I know a few people who may read this and say "picky, picky, should be GLAD that they load ANY dishes or even go to the trouble of even pulling that sheet up since they are getting right back in that bed a little later that night. The trash can made it THAT far back? You mean the towel wasn't left on the FLOOR? They BRUSH their teeth without you telling them? Pretzels...try ice cream! They KNOW what a dirty clothes basket is?" Well folks, here's my reply to that---

How 'bout I take you HALF WAY to piano lessons or swimming? Maybe you'd like that meatloaf minus the meat? What about me washing your clothes and putting them in your drawer wet? How's about I clean that toilet with softscrub, but don't rinse the soap off? Maybe I'll just do PART of the bills this month? Plan vacation....hmmm, sorrry, only planned for ONE. Birthday CAKE on your birthday--wups! Can you stop your day and pick me up--I'm stranded cause I didn't put gas in my car.

I mean REALLY??? What on earth do people think we Finishing Fairies do all day long? As "picky" as one might think some of this is, I bet if one counted the time it took to FINISH some of those things, they would see a. why a Finishing Fairy is needed in the first place, and b. that it would be very simple and easy to FIRE the Finishing Fairy, thereby freeing up time for other things. Finishing Fairies are nothing more than fairies with manners...a little respect, a nod for a job well done. Not an earth shattering, change the world job, just a little spit cleaned out of the sink so the next person doesn't have to look at it. A simple "I care enough that you are washing, drying and folding my clothes that I'll not also have you spend 15 minutes unballing every sock, underwear and shirt too".

I say we start a new campaign--"Finishing Fairies Hired, Tired and FIRED"

1 comment:

  1. I think you should institute a Finishing Fairy Fee. I mean a fairy has expenses, too. And when it starts costing people to not finishing their tasks (and isn't that just laziness - really?), they just might find the energy to move that towel another 2 feet, or take 5 seconds to rinse the sink.


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