Sunday, June 29, 2008

Didn't die--or finish that ebay stuff

Holy freakin' cow!! I absolutely can NOT believe it has been nearly one year since that post. That is hysterical. I remember writing that post as if it were yesterday. Man, can things happen in a year or what. Today I was just reminiscing the last five days of stuff around here and could barely keep my head from spinning. And now an entire YEAR to catch up on--???!!! I don't think so. My fingers would just turn into sand like something out of The Mummy.

Well let me just give you the last five days worth...Starting Tuesday night when I insisted that we should buy a bed insuring that by this weekend or at least the next weekend (4th of July & both weekends having overnight guests) most people sleeping in our house would have an elevated place of rest. After much discussion and little to no successful negotiating, a new mattress and "foundation" (no longer the boxsprings of days gone by), and the final sales pitched mattress cover were purchased. Not to mention the lovely new KING SIZE 4-poster bed we ordered in celebration of Mother's Day, Father's Day, Anniversary #24, Steve's birthday, my birthday, Memorial Day, Flag Day and generally a celebration of no longer sleeping on a 21 year old mattress. However, there is yet another member of our family much excited about the new acquisition...that would be RRB. He is still young and small and agile and has a pain-free back and no bunk bed to sleep on thanks to last week's garage sale (more on that later)

For some reason our bed has always been the "favored" bed in the house. Even with new mattresses being bought periodically through the years. After moving it into RRB's room, I now know why. It is like the Princess and the Pea bed. There is enough fluffy, quilted, spongy material on top of that thing you couldn't feel sharp piercing blades if the mattress were made out of a slab of swords. No wonder my old sheets barely fit the pre-pillowtop style mattress!

Ok, so sometime Tuesday or Tuesday evening, I also made the enormous error of "forgetting" plans I apparently had made with eldest daughter SGB. I won't make THAT mistake again. Guess I said something about "yes...I am absolutely going to the pool tomorrow" and I got the huff and the puff and my house was nearly blown down. Of course the response to my inquiring of the problem was..."nothing". HA!! Well SGB and I had talked earlier in the week about doing some shopping for her new apartment. I guess I had thought that was a discussion "in passing" and you know kids...never is what you say "in passing" unless it is something like, "I need you to mow the lawn", "could you pick up your sister from swim lessons today?", "don't make plans for tomorrow--we are cleaning house". Then all the sudden it's "WHAT? I thought you were just saying that!" "I didn't know you really wanted me to use my gas to go get her." "Didn't we just clean a few weeks ago and I already told so and so I would do such and such". uh-huh.

Wednesday--shopping with SGB. Our departure was delayed an hour by the delivery of bed! yay! It should be noted that the bed is nearly as high as our old one and it is simply sitting on the floor! After some huffiness regarding the delay we were off to wherever she chose to go. Quickly learned that the best way to shop with a 19 year old girl with extremely set ideas is to #1. Offer no suggestions...particularly when asked to do so. #2. Follow, never lead, in given store. Otherwise you will be accused of shopping for yourself when you said that you were going with her. #3. Leave store with no comment other than a nodding head and an indescript "uh-huh" ("yeah", even in agreement, will indicate a combative attitude) #4. When getting back in to car, turn on AC immediately before engaging any other controls, leave said store quickly, and drive as fast as possible to next destination. And the most important way to shop with a 19 year old girl with extremely set ideas is to #5. SHUT UP & SAY NOTHING. If you follow these things precisely you may get off with only a few minor rude comments and slight eye rolling. Just a tip. Needless to say we came home with zero of the "large ticket items" on her list. But some nifty pillows, wall hangings, bracelets, room scents and lamps were found. Of course none of these items can you sit at to eat a meal, sit on to watch tv, set a tv on to watch, do your homework on or stack your books on. Oh well, that was my Wednesday.

Thursday was exhausting. Up early to send Steve off to watch Ryan wrestle in Kansas City for the National Dual Championships. Began moving all furniture out of living room for carpet cleaner. Changed up previously laid plans for AMB to be at my sisters. Waited for carpet cleaner. Waited some more. Went over carpet items with said cleaner. Loaded dogs into car and drove clear across town to drop them off at the only groomer left in town who will touch Frankie with a ten foot pole (he's not very fond of "grooming"). Had a little time before Meals on Wheels so showed AMB our first house and then made a stop at Sonic for our road drinks. Picked up MOW, drove route, dropped off stuff and headed to nail place. Pit stop at Big Lots for goodie bag items for girls coming this weekend. Made it to nail place and sat down for a nice long pedicure and manicure. AMB got festive fireworks on alternating red and blue nails--so cute!! Shortly after we had nice nails, it was time to go have the final two baby teeth removed. AMB was a real trooper and kept her flinching to a minimum. Think Dr. Bevins may be a bit speedier than Dr. Craig!

Shortly after 2:00 we headed for the dentist for AMB's final tooth extraction. Didn't take long at all because he was a little impatient waiting for the pain medication to kick in. But she was an absolute trooper (nothing the "happy gas", as they call it, wouldn't take care of!)--far more than me, who could barely look at the general vicinity seeing her little body tense up with every "mosquito bite" shot and prod and yank of those teeth. They got them though and they were gigantic baby teeth that were NOT going anywhere. She had a hard time stopping bleeding and didn't feel so great when everything was finished, so we headed to pick up dogs and get home. After she was settled in a bit we decided all was well again and we could get out and finish up some more of those shopping errands (bedding for RRB's new bed, more gifties for the bags, SGB's bedding for apt., and a few other things)

We carried on our evening with even more shopping for girlie gifts and boy bedding and then a nice salad dinner at Olive Garden with my two daughters. I think by Thursday night I was starting to be in pain!

Friday it rained...thank goodness...not! Who was out in the pouring rain with the electric sheers trimming the bushes? Yep, that would be Edward Scissorhands Stephanie! But dang they look good--really good. Green perfectly shaped leaf balls surrounding my angular barn shaped it!

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