Sunday, July 26, 2009

Do You KNOW How Cool I Have Just Become?

Getting fancy now!

(read the comment section...yeah, right HERE underneath this sentence, right next to the time...go ahead click "comments" and just see how cool I am now!)


  1. HOLY COW--this actually WORKED!! I just texted a post to my blog. This could be incredible. Amazing. Life-changing? ok, just cool.

  2. Wow..I am not even sure what this is..but I am impressed...I have a lot to learn I guess....

  3. For someone who has only recently begun writing Christmas letters, this blog entirely blew me away! You are amazing and COOL.

  4. Whoops...logged into Seth's old blog from China accidentally...The above was really from Seth's Mommmmmm.

  5. Wow! My (oldest) daughter is really cool! I'm proud of her (and the youngest as well). It's clear she gets her creative--writing--talent from her old man. She's like a whirlwind, but always was. I'm not smart enough to have a blog...heck, I just learned how to turn on a laptop! Thanks to her you can check my site under Author Extrodinaire:

  6. Seth:

    PULEASE! No Christmas letters! Here's my column I wrote about these boring things.

    Christmas letters—Bah! Humbug!

    Every Christmas we receive from some very dear friends a Christmas “letter” along with a card. Although I treasure the annual card from these dear folks, I am not interested in the latest antics of their children and grandchildren, none of whom I know. Why people send these so-called “letters” every year is beyond me, especially when you don’t see them and a Christmas card is the only contact you have. Do they think the recipient is interested in the new car John bought, or that Lauren has been rushed for the college sorority, or that William is studying to be a brain surgeon (last month he was majoring in transcendental meditation…next month it will be something else). Give me a break, I don’t care!
    Here is the Christmas letter I’ll be sending this year:
    It’s been a busy year! Jennifer fell on the ice and broke both legs. She’s in a body cast and seems to be doing as well as can be expected. Other than being a bit cranky at times when she can’t scratch where it itches, she’s a real trouper. Her doctor said she may never walk again. But she’s strong and we think with the miracle of electronic devices she may be up and about in another year. Her medical bills are out of sight. But we’ll manage.
    I lost my job at the company. All our savings were wiped out when the CEO left with his secretary and diverted the employees’ investments to an off shore account. However, we still plan to buy the grandchildren everything they want for Christmas. After all, that’s what Christmas is all about. We’ll be having our Christmas dinner at the Salvation Army. The food is wonderful!
    Our daughter Megan and her husband George recently divorced. They are fighting over who gets the property. George is being a real poop and is demanding full custody of their dog Ralph. Megan is holding up as well as can be expected. She met a wonderful man and will have a good Christmas. He is from Afghanistan and they plan to spend the holidays there.
    Mark, our son, has been given a terrific promotion. He is now lead singer for the punk rock group Nasty Nose. He lives in Detroit with some of his band friends. They made their first CD. The one copy sold out immediately when the band bought it. The group is excited about their upcoming tour. They’ll be going to Goodland, Kansas; Columbus, New Mexico; Dime Box, Texas and other exciting places. We’re so proud of Mark. You’ll recall that in last year’s letter we told you he was planning to be a diplomat.
    Our cats, Fluffy, Muffy, Buffy, and Snuffy are just as wonderful as ever. Each has really gotten into the Christmas spirit. They all fought under the tree and knocked it down setting the carpet on fire. They’re such a joy!
    I guess that’s all the news from us this year. We’ll do just fine, thank you. We hope you have a joyous holiday season.
    Ed & Jennifer


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