Monday, September 19, 2011

It's Still Here!! somewhat odd sense of humor that is. I've already posted regarding my recent "event" (thanks brother Matt!), which was well beyond a "spell" or an "episode". "Event" is an appropriate word--for me, September 13th, 2011 was an "event". The words "life-altering" and "life-changing" can also be plugged right in there before "event". I am having a hard time determining the difference, at least for myself, right now. One thing I know is that, in addition to my very spiritual feelings regarding things like this, I continue to have somewhat of an irreverent, practical take on even this "event".

Before my attentions are diverted, I think a brain-storming session for future posts (dare I say..."chapters"??!) is in order, and in no particular order as well:

1. The "D" word - use it or avoid it?
2. "Sweetie" - A Word We Rarely Used in the Past and Why We Feel the Need to End Each Conversation With It Now.
3. Ambulance Routes - Could We Use a Map or GPS PLEASE? As a last resort--Feeling Comfortable Asking the Transportee.
4. Hospital Gowns - A New Cottage Industry in the Making
5. Exercised Calves! - What You Get When You Leave the Hospital (besides the cold and stack of bills). Is there an explanation for leaving with a great calf muscle when you'd rather have had the great abs?
6. Intubation Communication - Making Your Communication Count. Know that the word "sock" CAN, and most likely WILL be confused to mean "dog" instead.
7. Modern Medicine? - You scan my body, get a full assessment of my insides complete with HD movie quality motion, but you can't test my "blood gases" without taking a needle and jamming it into the bowels of my arteries??
8. Emergency Personnel Lingo--Why "try and stay calm" doesn't work for certain patients. How to get your Emergency worker to pay attention.
9. Doctor Lingo - Code Words. Is it bad when a doctor says he's REALLY glad to be meeting you now since he didn't think he'd "get" to.
10. Firemen - New Interpersonal Skills for Loading Emergency Patients.
11. Nurse "Techs" - Befriending Even the Crabbiest of Techs. Your body fluids=Their job. Do you REALLY wonder why they are grouchy when they enter your room?
12. Coping Skills - Different Modesty, Vanity and Pain levels of Patients and How those Differences Effect the Patients Demeanor.
13. Visitors - Love 'em or Leave 'em?
14. Food Already? You Must Be Kidding - The Vital Importance of Healthy Bowels.
15. Poop Talk - Being able to let go of those uncomfortable feelings regarding this topic, and allowing yourself to understand and communicate freely regarding it's DAILY importance.
16. Prayers Said in Desperate Times - Does God always listen? Does He appreciate the importance of things others may not.
17. The Not-so-Improved Weight Loss Plan - Not for the faint of heart
18. The Uncontrollable Crying Spell and How to Effectively Manage one in a Social Setting
19. Final Thoughts - what those thoughts say about you as a human and do you really want to know?

and my personal favorite...

20. "The Light" - Raise Your Hand If You Want to Know!! Did you see it? What did it look like? How did you feel? How to approach your questioning responsibly and how to handle disappointing the questioner.

I'm just certain there are more, but for now I think I can write a good deal on each one of these for the next 20 days. We'll see. Any other suggestions?! I'm open for new ideas! Let's take a vote for which ones I should tackle first.

Now for a nap.

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