Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Today Our "Baby" Boy is 22


Twenty two years ago today a little 8 pound, 5 ounce baby boy entered this crazy world.  

We went to the hospital the morning of March 5, 1992 fully prepared to welcome a new baby boy or baby girl to our family.  At that time, there would be a 7-year old brother and a 4-year old sister awaiting the arrival of this new sibling. This time, when the c-section surgery began, I wasn't quite as nervous as I'd been in the past.   We were anxious for his or her appearance.  At 12:14 pm that day, it was announced that we had a healthy 8 pound, 5 ounce baby boy!  After letting it be known he had healthy lungs, our baby boy was relatively quiet.  The nurses did all the stuff baby nurses do when babies are born.  Dad looked on with a big smile on his face.  The nurses wrapped him up, and brought him over so I could see our new baby boy.  I will never forget that "first look".  I remember looking at him and thinking how much different he looked than our other two.  I saw a chubby little face--our other babies hadn't been as chubby!  I saw some dark curly hair--our other babies had little, if any, hair!  And I saw that God had graced us with another precious, unique gift that we would cherish for a lifetime.

My instinct was that this baby boy was different in the way that all new babies are different and special--each with their own unique personalities.  He was fairly relaxed from the beginning (probably because dad and I were more relaxed by this time too!)  This baby boy had the cutest little smile that was slightly ornery but went along with his sweet personality.  He was a cuddly baby. He loved being around people.  He was almost always happy.  His brother and sister doted over him and he loved the attention. But as much as he liked attention, he loved running and being outside and playing with his dog and toys and cars and trucks and sandboxes and bikes and moving. This little boy loved moving.  He loved his pets and he loved his friends and his family. He didn't talk very much at first when he was little but he loved to hear people laugh.  At a pretty young age, he learned he could make people laugh by doing funny things. And funny things, he did. 

As this baby boy grew, he was always sensitive, he was smart, he was fun and funny, he was a little ornery at times, he enjoyed being with people, he was an animal lover, he was a good dancer, he was strong, he was passionate, he was idealistic, he was talented, he was persistent, he was loyal, he was a hard worker, he was faithful and he was a blessing.

Today is no different. He is still all those things and so much more.  On his 22nd birthday we wish him all the joy his heart can possibly hold and all the love he is so deserving of.  He has enhanced our lives in ways he will never fully understand and we are greatly blessed to call this son our very own "baby boy".  Happy Birthday Ryan!  We love you.

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