Monday, June 30, 2014


So yes--twenty six years ago today at 9:26 AM, I was strapped down to a table when both my obgyn's said something to the effect of "It looks like you have a keeper"…and then I heard this cry.

Even though we had one baby previously, due to some complications, I had never heard the brand new out-of-the-womb baby cry before.  This time I heard it and it was loud and strong and fierce.  But then I saw what that piercing sound came from and wondered how that was even possible.  How could such a tiny, frail, petite little creature make such a memorable sound?

26 years later, I can answer that.  Looks can be deceiving.

This was our first baby girl.  Most of my friends had baby girls.  I was one of only two girls in my family.  All my friends were girls.  I knew girls…or so I thought.  This little girl was just that….little.  She weighed in at only 6 pounds, 11 ounces and she was long and lanky and it seemed like I would break her if I wasn't careful.  But it didn't take long for her to let us know that she would not break, nor would she be broken.  She had her very own spirit from day one and that loud, strong fierce noise we heard when she entered that world…that noise was to let us know that she was setting her course and would not be deterred, distracted, discouraged and certainly not broken.

And that is how this precious girl has continued through all 26 years of her life.

Over the years, what she lacked in stature, she more than compensated for in spirit and motivation.  She was never a lazy child.  Where her confidence lacked, her determination took over.  She never had a day without purpose.  When she began to give way to emotion, her self-control would carry her through.  She was a thinker, an observer.  All these things remain true, still today.

This baby grew into such a unique, wonderful little girl.  The little girl grew into such a smart, intuitive, purposeful young lady.  The young lady grew into such a creative, patient, persistent, caring woman.  She has talent beyond her years.  She is overly modest.  She is positive and she is wise…very, very wise.

Besides the beautiful person she grew to be, is the fact that she is a truly wonderful daughter.  She is an amazing sister to her two brothers and her younger sister.  She will tell you (and she would not be lying at all), that I cried for one entire year…one. solid. year. before she left for college at the mere thought of our youngest daughter (10 years younger) not having her big sister with her day in and day out.  To this day we miss her even though she gave us a wonderful bonus family member (our son-in-law) that she handpicked especially for herself ;-)

So, 26 years ago, while I was expecting sweet coos and pink bows and frills and cutesy sing songy behavior from this tiny, seemingly breakable baby, God decided it would be best to send me a sweet 6 pound 11 ounce baby girl who very quickly straightened me out on that stuff right away.  God is good and He wisely blessed me with this precious human being who, to this day, makes such a strong, loving, dedicated, beautiful and fulfilling life for herself, her husband, her family and her friends.

And for that I rejoice in that piercing sound I heard 26 years ago!!

Happiest of birthdays to you sweet daughter!

I love you,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    You're killing the rest of us out here who can't write. Such a beautiful testament to your first girl. Hope Perri never sees it. Happy Birthday Samantha.



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